Monday 1 June 2015

Fiction related to Reality Science - Heroes & Harry Potter

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The American science fiction tv drama, Heroes, featured a series of superhuman abilities. Wonder of human Flying, Space time Traveling, Reading other's Mind, Spontaneously Cells Regenerate and so on. Tell you a secret, the gene transformation is actually sector of Biochemical Engineering in reality.

For example:

Currently, the pill is for cure illness but the engineers are already researching on the subject -  rapid cell regeneration. In the new future, pills not only will be used on nutrition, medication, yet it might could improve your intelligence, cure the wound instantly. It's like a dream but they have working on it in reality.


Besides, the film Harry Potter, characters possess of abilities with magic spell, leads into views of wild imaginative world that surpass ordinary humanity. Yet scientists can tell you, It's not magic, It's chemistry! The magic spells and tricks actually came from science experiments.

For example:

- The Lumos Curse:
The lumos spell illuminates the end of a wizard’s wand. Chemical engineers do create the energy that keeps the lights on. From nuclear and fossil fuels, through to renewable and fuel cells, chemical engineers work across all parts of energy landscape to ensure that our electricity needs are met.

Harry Potter

With all these above, it shows us how fantastic the world is developed by contributions of our great Engineers in this evolution era. Respectful.

Thursday 28 May 2015

The Future of Mankind – Technology & Innovation

The Future of Mankind – Technology & Innovation

focuses on securing sustainable energy supplies, food and nutrition, access to clean water, health and wellbeing, green revolution and pollution solutions.
Human knowledge is growing very fast. The world consist very rapid technical change and hyper economy.
It’s a major global challenge

They enhanced the quality of life for humankind, the industrial revolution has brought to mankind can be attributed to the work of chemical engineers

The day will come when chemical plant can release to the environment only water and carbon dioxide, both in controlled quantities. Professional bodies can be powerful factors.
This will be a key area in the future, where chemical engineers can have a huge role driving these processes further to achieve better results.

The Future that Chemical engineering leads to:
1.      Genetic Transformation

In the future, human may be the superman or heroes like in fiction that futurist have been dreaming of.
Besides, this will help growing plants than have been genetically engineered to grow therapeutic proteins, pharmaceuticals and chemicals.
Chemical engineers are already working on producing tobacco plants that have been engineered to grow the antibodies for the ebola serum.

2.      Space Fuel Processor
   Space shuttle/ travel
Chemical engineers are currently working to find new sources for fuels e.g. bio-refineries, wind farms, hydrogen cells, algae factories and fusion technology. These could be applied to fuel space travel.

3.       Atomic powered home

The creation of nuclear plants for generating electricity, we fantasized about a future in personal nuclear reactors would be commonplace gadgets.
There was some movement to create 'mini-reactors' that might power small communities or even homes.

4.      Nano-manufacturer

With advances in nanotechnology already offering a huge range of nanoscale processes, a new group of nano-chemical engineers will be required to manufacture these systems.
This explosion of technological advances in nanotechnology will lead to opportunities arising for chemical engineers to lead the way.

5.      Nuclear fusion

It has always been treated as the solution to the energy crisis as it is meant to be constantly productive and extremely clean. It had achieved a technological breakthrough that will enable it to build compact fusion reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, within a decade. The application of this technology could truly revolutionise the world in which we live.

6.      Uranium Recycler

Alternative energies like solar, wind, tidal and hydrogen are going to become increasingly important. But currently strategy highlights the leading role nuclear energy will have. However, current thinking is that a shortage of uranium damages this plan.
Chemical engineers, working as uranium recyclers, will be needed to convert bomb-grade uranium from warheads into low-enriched uranium for use in nuclear power plants to ensure that the uranium shortage does not cause an energy crisis

7.       Future Medicines & Food Pills
We thinking about creating miniaturized, 100-percent synthetic food from chemicals, so it could be consumed in tablet or capsule form.
While others saw it as a way to feed the planet's growing population without overtaxing farm soil or other natural resources eventually would create 'food pills that would contain everything necessary for life.
The wonder of new drugs invention that treat serious illness and improve lifescene.

8.      3D Printer

chemical engineers are driving this technology forward. These devices can build objects from digital blueprints – usually by layering plastic or other materials. 3D printer has came into everyday reality.

9.      Green Process Engineer
The focus of all chemical engineers is to work sustainably. Corporations and consumers worldwide are increasingly embracing green technology we achievements in sustainable technology, water management and energy efficiency.
This is not a new area but I can only see these roles becoming increasingly important as new processes are used. Green process engineers will develop environmentally benign chemical processes and products, select processes that minimise pollution, use less hazardous materials and develop alternative reactions. This will all need to be done while meeting emerging regulations and laws.

cool post?
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